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已故 馬教授光亞先生(以下臨文不諱)是台灣中醫界治療肝病的泰斗,更是台灣唯一經大陸中醫界肯定並評選為「中國百年中醫臨床家」者。




關鍵詞:馬光亞 肝病 中醫藥

The late Professor Ma Guang-Ya was a leading authority in the Chinese medical treatment of liver diseases in Taiwan. Furthermore, he was the only person on this island ever elected the “Chinese Medical Clinicial of the Century” by mainland Chinese medicine circles.
Though Ma produced many treatises on liver diseases, his medical case stories after 1999 have not been arranged and analyzed, so that academic study of his works is incomplete. I was fortunate enough to spend three years studying under Professor Ma in clinic during his later years. During that time, I discovered advances in his medical thinking that merit study.
This study covers all therapeutic case stories and expositions made by Ma. I studied Ma's works relating to liver disease in great detail and analyzed his case histories. This allowed me then to make cross analyses with case histories recorded in his later life and understand their academic origins. The study describes Ma's diagnostic and therapeutic practices, his prescription principles, his methods of dealing with secondary patterns, the classic formulas and latterday formulas (those post-daint Zhang Ji), the medicinal couplets, and the popular herbs that he commonly used in the treatment of liver disease. Furthermore, it investigates the application of modern medical testing and integrated Chinese and Western treatment. Finally, it analyzes the evolution of Ma’s thinking on liver disease over time.
Based on half a century of study and experience in treating the liver diseases, Ma’s work provides guidance for the treatment of liver disease and a basis for further development of knowledge. Furthermore, it provides a framework for coping with new diseases.
Key words: Ma Guang-Ya, liver disease, Chinese medicine

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